Writing lists are fun, relatively easy, and almost always make for some good debates (especially with people I know and talk to regularly). Even more fun than that are wrestling lists, as there's always going to be people who disagree with you. I've done a few in the past, both for my blog here and for columns over at Camel Clutch Blog and I've always gotten pretty good feedback, so I figured, what the hell, I'll do it again.
Throughout the years, wrestling has seen a lot of very memorable and catchy entrance themes. The WWF/E has especially always had some great themes. Although most of the best themes you can recall have all been written or at least produced by the extremely talented Jim Johnston, wrestlers in the WWE have also been lucky enough to be afforded licensed music thanks to Vince McMahon's deep pockets, as well as songs produced by the aforementioned Johnson, but performed by various actual bands.
While the great ones over the years are far too numerous to mention in one top ten list, what are the best ones used by the WWE today? While it seems like the great entrance themes are becoming few and far between with each passing year, I still managed to scour the roster and pick out what I consider to be the top ten best current themes.
10. "Gold-Lust" by Jim Johnston (Goldust)
Goldust has been in the WWE off and on since 1995, resulting in him re-inventing his character on numerous occasions. However, his entrance music has always stayed the same. Sure, there have been a few tweaks to it here and there, but overall, it's been the same song for the last 16 years. The song fits his character so well. Although he started his gimmick as a movie buff and it was designed to sound like the theme from a Hollywood movie (if you listen closely, it sounds very similar to the theme from John Carpenter's Halloween films), he has kept it with every tweak to the gimmick and it has never, ever felt out of place. It's dark and mysterious, much like the Goldust character itself, and it completely fits his eccentric personality. I almost didn't include this one due to Goldust seemingly retiring earlier this year, but due to him hinting at a return to the ring once his shoulder is healed, it makes the cut. However, since his future is not 100% certain, it gets the #10 spot.
This is about me and my hobbies. I will post everything here in regards to my hobbies, everything from weight lifting to video games. I also post things such as reviews (movies, TV shows, etc.) as well as rants about things that are just pissing me off. *Author's note: Unless otherwise specified, photos/videos posted here are not of me or anyone I know, and were obtained from the internet.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Top 10 Current WWE Entrance Themes
Beth Phoenix,
Bret Hart,
CM Punk,
Corey Hart,
Entrance Themes,
Ezekiel Jackson,
Jim Johnston,
Living Colour,
Santino Marella,
The Miz,
Zack Ryder
Sunday, August 28, 2011
My Game Shelf: 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
So, it's been a while since I've posted a game review. Not because I've been avoiding gaming. Far from from it actually, as I game nearly every day. No, the reason I haven't done one in a while is because, I'm working on so many games simultaneously, which has resulted in me not finishing games in a faster time frame. However, I did finish two games within the last week or so-L.A. Noire (which I will review the next time) and the one I'm writing about here, that being 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors.
999 is somewhat of a rarity on the Nintendo DS system in that it is an M-rated game. As you DS fans know, games on the popular handheld that are rated Mature are few and far between. Based on the fact that these games are so rare, I figured that it would probably be worth a look. I picked it up from Game Stop a few months ago, as I'm a fan of point-and-click puzzle/adventure games (other examples include the Ace Attorney series and the highly underrated Hotel Dusk: Room 215), which is exactly what this one is. Generally, this style of game on the DS is pretty good as the system works very well with the game style. Although I would love to see these types of games on consoles more, the DS still has a great library of titles in the genre (with the 3DS also looking at a good lineup over the next year. I picked a 3DS up a couple weeks ago, BTW, and aside from the lousy launch titles available, the system is pretty damn cool), so I'm happy.
999 is somewhat of a rarity on the Nintendo DS system in that it is an M-rated game. As you DS fans know, games on the popular handheld that are rated Mature are few and far between. Based on the fact that these games are so rare, I figured that it would probably be worth a look. I picked it up from Game Stop a few months ago, as I'm a fan of point-and-click puzzle/adventure games (other examples include the Ace Attorney series and the highly underrated Hotel Dusk: Room 215), which is exactly what this one is. Generally, this style of game on the DS is pretty good as the system works very well with the game style. Although I would love to see these types of games on consoles more, the DS still has a great library of titles in the genre (with the 3DS also looking at a good lineup over the next year. I picked a 3DS up a couple weeks ago, BTW, and aside from the lousy launch titles available, the system is pretty damn cool), so I'm happy.
Hot Chick In Tall Socks Of The Week: 8/28/11 (Porn Star Edition)
This is a pic I've had for a while. I was going to use it on my other site for a different blog, but never wound up using it. So, I figured, what the hell, I'll use it here. As you can see, it's porn star Lauren Phoenix wearing knee-high tube socks with a pair of boy briefs and little else. There's something sexy about women who wear men's underwear, and it's even sexier when combined with the tall socks.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Hot Chick In Tall Socks Of The Week: 8/21/11 (Porn Star Edition)
Okay, I admit it; I like porn. I'm a guy. Sue me. As a result, you will occasionally see porn stars get the "Hot Chick In Tall Socks" award (don't worry; I only use non-nudes for this award). This week's award goes to Jenna Haze, one of the most glamorous-and most popular-porn stars in the business today. Here she is from a recent shoot, looking good in knee-highs with roller skates.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Why I Almost Gave Up On Being A Writer
(Note: Names in this entry have been kept anonymous out of respect for the people involved.)
As most of you probably are not aware, a few weeks back, I was offered a paid writing gig as a blogger for a certain sports-related website (which I will keep anonymous). I have a friend who makes his living as a full time webmaster, and this particular site is one of the sites he works as a webmaster for. Anyway, the site was about to lose one of their bloggers for not performing up to snuff, and the owner asked this friend if he knew anyone who was interested in getting paid to write for her site. I had just gone through the "Rayne Storm 2011" thing over at Camel Clutch Blog, so they informed the site's owner about it.
As most of you probably are not aware, a few weeks back, I was offered a paid writing gig as a blogger for a certain sports-related website (which I will keep anonymous). I have a friend who makes his living as a full time webmaster, and this particular site is one of the sites he works as a webmaster for. Anyway, the site was about to lose one of their bloggers for not performing up to snuff, and the owner asked this friend if he knew anyone who was interested in getting paid to write for her site. I had just gone through the "Rayne Storm 2011" thing over at Camel Clutch Blog, so they informed the site's owner about it.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Hot Chick In Tall Socks Of The Week: 8/15/11 (Wrestler Edition)
Going back to my 10 Unsigned Femal Wrestlers List (which is still my most popular blog entry yet; thanks, readers!), I'm going with another wrestler for this week's award. LuFisto, who is a personal favorite of mine, gets the nod this week. Although she is not the most glamorous female wrestler on the planet, she is still a good-looking woman who's cuteness is matched only by her sheer badassery in the ring (seriously, check out her work sometime).
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Hot Chick In Tall Socks Of The Week: 8/7/11 (Wrestler Edition)
You know you want me
You can't take your eyes away from me
I'm the hottest thing since sliced bread
When the boys see me, they turn red

Thursday, August 4, 2011
I'm Featured on Wheelhouse Radio (The 2nd Podcast I've Been Featured On)!
My boss Eric at Camel Clutch Blog and Jeff Peck from Wheel House Radio hosted their weekly podcast, The It's Still Real To Us Show earlier tonight, and Yours Truly was discussed, specifically my "war" with Madison Rayne and (more specifically) her fans that I lovingly call "Rayne Storm 2011". The entire podcast can be listened to by clicking right here. Go download it, listen to it and enjoy it. Many thanks to Camel Clutch Blog, Wheel House Radio and WrestleChat.net for featuring the story and continuing to support me as a writer.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
RIP Bubba Smith
While I am not a sports fan by any stretch of the imagination, I always liked Bubba Smith as a person. He seemed like he would be a genuinely nice guy, and after his NFL career ended, he took to acting as many athletes do. Surprisingly, he had a niche for being very comedic, and was famous for appearing in every Police Academy movie as "Hightower", and did a very good job. However, my favorite Bubba Smith moment was from the episode of Married...With Children titled "All Night Security Dude" (season 5). Smith played the character of "Spare Tire" Dixon, an old football rival of Al Bundy's. The scene in this blog entry is the one I'm talking about, as Al and Spare Tire have quite possibly the funniest football scrimmage ever seen.
RIP, Spare Tire. You will be missed.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Gym Rules (If I Owned A Gym)
Okay, so I don't own a gym, but in all honesty, I'd love to own one some day. Hopefully, if I can ever make enough money, I can make it happen (it's one of several businesses I'd like to own at some point). However, with my gym, I will have a very specific set of rules that will be followed, not to mention that I will be very selective as to who will be able to work there. Hey, it's my gym; I can do what I want. Anyway, if/when I do get the opportunity to own a gym, these are the rules that I will put in place, that gym members will be expected to follow explicitly.
The Top 10 Unsigned Female Wrestlers (Who Should Be Signed)
Today, I was thinking about all of the different female wrestlers out there, and how there is so much unsigned talent in that regard. We get garbage like the Bella Twins and Alicia Fox to *ahem* "wrestle", while women who actually love to wrestle and are quite good at it remain toiling on the indy circuit for years, some times for their entire careers. I realize that the WWE and TNA want women who look like TV stars and are about the size of toothpicks, but you know what? Actually wrestling fans don't want to see that anymore. We get crap like the aforementioned Bellas and Fox while women with actual talent such as Kharma (come back soon!), Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Tamina and A.J., despite working for the top wrestling company in the world, are rarely ever given the opportunity to showcase their abilities. It's no wonder why many wrestling fans don't take women's wrestling seriously. However, there are things that can be done to change that, starting with hiring some other very talented women. I present the top ten unsigned female talents who either TNA or WWE could benefit from by signing.
Starting at number ten, we have a woman who has been toiling on the indy and international circuits for nearlyy 15 years in LuFisto. Although she is not as well known as some of the other women on this list, her talent can not be understated. She is exceptionally tough, being the first woman in history to win CZW's Iron Man Championship (essentially a hardcore title), competed in CZW's notorious "Cage of Death" (a match normally reserved for men), and also became Queen of the Deathmatch by winning the first deathmatch tournament of any kind ever held in Canada. Now, before you go writing her off as nothing more than a hardcore wrestler, the girl can get it done in the ring. She has taken numerous top female wrestlers to the absolute limit on many occasions, including Sara Del Rey and Cheerleader Melissa/Alyssa Flash. And, on a personal note, she is very good-looking, in a "girl next door/I'd love to hang out with this chick" way. You want a good-looking woman with talent, LuFisto fits the bill.

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